Single leg exercises should be incorporated in strength and conditioning sessions as it is the best way to mimic the single leg work required in running with landing and push-off. It is also a good way to identify any imbalances from one side to the other. In the final part of this series, Jonny’s pain had largely settled and his rehab focused on single leg control. He also practiced a more efficient running technique to minimise loads placed on the knee.
Case Study: Frontal Knee Pain (Part 2)
During the initial stages of rehab, the primary focus was to maintain muscle function which can be inhibited by pain. During assessment, it was also established that Jonny was weaker on one side of his outer hip muscles (glutes) when looking at the way he balanced on one leg. The video below looks at a couple of simple exercises he worked on to improve this.
Case Study: Frontal Knee Pain (Part 1)
Knee pain is a common issue in runners. It can start off as a niggle and can easily be ignored until the point where running is no longer tolerable. This is frustrating particularly when training for a race or event. In part 1 of this month’s case study, we will look at some common physiotherapy techniques we use for pain relief in the treatment of anterior (pain in the front of) knee pain.
Jonny hurt his knee during a 42-mile Ultra Marathon which was on trail and had plenty of up and down hill sections. This caused an acute overload of the structures around his knee cap, causing pain and swelling.
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab - Part 3
This concludes our 3-part series following Mariam’s ankle rehab programme after a bad sprain two weeks before her first trail marathon and then her first trail ultra-marathon five weeks after that.
Phase 1 (first 2-3 days after injury):
Ice, Elevation, Compression
Avoidance of non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (i.e. ibuprofen)
Phase 2:
Non-weight-bearing exercises
Training modification
Progression to weight-bearing and single leg exercises
Phase 3:
Training modification
Running technique modification
Progression to plyometrics and impact loading
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab - Part 2
Case Study: Ankle Sprain Rehab: Part 1
We all know injuries happen and, in most unfortunate instances, they can happen before a sporting event you have been training for months. It can be disheartening when you’ve spent countless hours training for such an event with the prospect of having to pull out. In this month’s case study, we will be looking at managing an ankle injury coming from a personal experience from one of our own physios, Mariam. We will be demonstrating a sports physiotherapist’s approach to dealing with an injury leading up to an event over a 3-part series. Part 1 is below: