Concussion is a brain injury - It is serious and should be treated as such. The days of shaking off a head knock in sport and carrying on regardless are thankfully in decline with most sports now using head injury and concussion protocols & assessment tools. In any sport if head injury or concussion is suspected then the injured participant must be withdrawn, it’s simply not worth the risk. If in doubt sit them out!
Check out our FREE resources here detailing what exactly concussion is, the signs and symptoms to look for and the best treatment guidelines. If you need our help please book in now for expert advice with one of our team
Concussion Information Leaflets to Download FREE Here
concussion guidelines & advice leaflets:
What Is Concussion? - Information Leaflet
How Can Concussion Be Prevented? - Advice Leaflet
Immediate Management of Concussion In Sport - Advice Leaflet
How To Manage Concussion - Advice Leaflet
Concussion In Young People - ‘Return to Learn’ Advice Leaflet
Concussion Management & graduated return to sport protocol - leaflet
sports concussion assessment tool (Scat)
irb pitch side concussion assessment tool